CLIENT: BLOOM! (Seed Your Future) and Scholastic
Working with a dedicated team within Scholastic National Partnerships, an agency division of Scholastic,.
I was tasked to create a bright fun look and feel for the BLOOM! program and apply to multiple channels.
Micro-site, video, interactive game, gameboard, posters, and mini-magazine created for Scholastic and BLOOM! for Seed the future.
The microsite was designed in Sketch. Files were sent to the developer for final production.
Partnership: Scholastic and BLOOM! (Seed your Future)
Role: Art Director and Visual Designer (UX/UI). Creative lead on all components (Video, motion, Interaction, storyboarding)
Team: I worked with: Creative Director, Editorial Director, Developers, Project Manager, Copywriter, Animators, and Illustrators
Objective: Build a content-rich, with multiple channels, interactive program that teachers love to use with their students. Create a fun digital learning tool about plants and inspire kids for careers in horticulture. I accomplished this by incorporating gamification and story-telling with a beginning, middle, and end. Voice-over artists were hired as well as interaction and interactive studios. I was the art director and designer for this project and I collaborated with a team including the creative director, project manager, and developer.
The dot-grain pattern is intentional and enhances the “collage-y” feel and ties the images together.
Click here to view and interact with the whole program.
Key Art Process for Video
I provided the animation studio (Barrel) with the art work they needed to create the video. They sent back specific key art moments for approval before proceeding with rendering of video.
“Which Plants to Plant Game”
Inspired by old-school flash cards, we created a game where kids used "digital” cards to answer the questions posed. I lead the visual direction and commissioned the illustrations for the game. Illustrations were also used on classroom interactives.
Wire Frame for “Plant Game”
This is the basic structure and wireframe I created for the game. The kids guess which plants answer the question and are told immediately if they are correct so they can guess again. The client was thrilled with the response.
“Green Thumb” Board Game
This physical board game was mailed out to teachers. The game taught kids about various careers in horticulture. The careers were divided into 4 different categories: In the lab; Out in Nature, At the Drawing Board, and Behind a Drone, If they landed on “Career Change” they had to start over at a new entry point. You can see the contents of the game in detail here.
A series of emails getting teachers excited about “Plant Mash-Up Contest” where we have students create new plantsby combining two plants.